The Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere will soon be here! After a few days of sunshine, the sky clouded over again with that unique Parisian steely grayness, that the impressionists painted so well, and my heart is filled with much gratitude for my blessings.
The winter solstice is the day before our sun starts its northern journey back into the Northern hemisphere. Dec 21, will be the shortest day of the year and likewise, the night will be the longest of the year.
For the last several weeks, my eyes have been drawn to Venus, the brightest light in the pre-dawn sky. But this amazing conjunction will surpass all; dazzling us with such brightness and illumination that some have conjectured that it might have been the Star of Bethlehem!
For me, the solstice is a celestial prelude, like the bells of Notre Dame that ring to finalize my spiritual preparation for the approaching Birth.
Since the solstice occurs during the latter part of Advent, which in the new Christian calendar starts around December the 1st, our hearts should be open for intensification of the impending miracle of the birth of the Christ child.
In Christianity, the feminine mysteries of the Holy Mary are celebrated during Advent. The first week readings from Luke describe the Annunciation, where Archangel Gabriel tells Mary she is to bear the son of God.
The actual feast day of the Annunciation though is celebrated March 25, which corresponds to 9 months before Christmas day.
Then on December 8, Roman Catholics celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, which describes that at Mary’s conception by her human parents, Anna and Joachim, she was conceived without original sin, in preparation of being chosen by God to be the Theotokos or mother of Christ.
The winter solstice was a pagan celebration of the reappearance of the sun and this celebration goes back to Neolithic times. Many ancient cultures all over the world celebrated the returning sun with feasts of merriment and wine around the yule log.
Judaism and, later, Christianity adopted this seasonal happening to mark the time of year with festivals of light, be it Hanukkah or Christmas.
The Winter solstice signals the beginning of winter, which will bring at least 2 more months of fierce winter cold to the Northern Hemisphere. I look forward though to the fact that from the 22 nd of December the days will grow longer in increments and the nights shorter.
It is also three days before Christmas Day with the three being symbolic of the Trinity. The spiritual significance, besides the birth of Jesus, is that light triumphs over darkness.
From a Christian perspective, it is the time before the birthing of the One who is full of the Light of our Divine God, which is the incarnate Christ child.
The days of darkness that precede this event are preparatory for bringing forth the highest incarnation of Light and Love.
We might think of the darkness of the womb, where we all had our first beginnings. The months before we were born, the physical body of our own life was nestling within the soft dark lining of our mother’s womb.
Our first visions were mere shadows from our watery cavern, preparing to become the ultimate physical perfection needed to have the capacity to live in our physical world.
But none of us is just flesh and blood. We all have an inner spiritual soul, chosen before our conception. After our birth, our soul within awaits for our spiritual awakening.
For Christians, the sacrament of Baptism invites the Holy Spirit to dwell within us so as to be guided in our life’s journey and we are given our Christian names.
For those born of Jewish tradition, sealing the covenant and naming for males is at circumcision and for girls at a blessing in the synagogue at a later time.
Awakening our souls invites spiritual illumination which withdraws us from the darkness that can limit our perception of life. In doing so our hearts begin to open to the mysteries of receiving and giving Love.
For some, the awakening never comes and they remain in spiritual darkness, a desolate no man’s land.
They become blind to the spiritual, and live only in constructs of human logic; imprisoned by the illusion of the physical world as being all that comprises “reality.”
When this happens, their soul begins to wither, and risks becoming hardened and opaque. They live in a one-dimensional world dictated only by physicality.
Some become the reckless seekers and devourers of the material world and humanity; accumulating, using and discarding whatever comes into their path. There are many amongst us.
But we are given free will to choose Light over darkness and the winter solstice is symbolic of this choice. The winter solstice is a prelude and a foretelling of the Light that is to come.
For Christians, it is a special time of wonder and amazement awaiting the impending nativity of the Christ Child.
The presiding angel is Archangel Gabriel, who in announcing to Mary that she carries the Christ child, the Logos, where God incarnate will become flesh, and walk amongst us bringing the spirit of hope and love into human consciousness.
So Archangel Gabriel also has the angelic power to work amongst us too as a messenger, to those hearts who are open to birthing the Light and Love of the Christ child.
Unfortunately, many Christians are caught up in the physical preparations of Christmas, be it toys or gifts to put under the tree or buying all that is needed for the holiday feast. Additionally, there are the traditional parties of merriment.
I say, unfortunately, not because those activities aren’t lovely and very enjoyable, but they can take you away from some alone time with yourself to pray and meditate.
The grief that is pervasive in my life, after my son died, has reorganized my priorities and pulled me away from some preparatory activities that in the past garnered too much attention.
This downtime helps create even more space and time for reflection, to attend to my spiritual needs and preparation for that which holds more promise and Light.
Some questions to ponder might be: In what ways do you want your life to manifest more Light and Love?
What can you do to reflect your own soul’s beacon more brightly amongst those in need of your Light and Love? How can you bring more Light into your soul? How can you be more loving to yourself and others?
When we connect to another who is also illuminated, our soul sees their Light and vice versa. Some may want to call our soul our higher self and for me it is the spark of God’s individually crafted Love that connects us to Him.
In the Nicene Creed, we say God of God, followed by Light Of Light implying that God is of pure Light. The Christmas season reminds us that as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we too are called to prepare for a rebirth of Light within us.
Rebirthing requires that we strive to purify our own souls, so as to allow them to receive more pure light. This increased Light will shine bright like a beacon in the darkness.
So for me, the winter solstice and Christmas are reminders that now is the time to cleanse and remove any obstacles in my heart that would prevent my soul from shining even brighter than before.
Just as diamonds in the rough need to be polished so they may reflect the intense spectrum of light, we are called to polish up our soul. Therefore, we are able to be filled with a purer Light, that we hope to share with others in the coming year.
Christmas Eve and day is for celebrating the birth of Jesus, The 12 days of Christmas that follow allow me a quieter time to rededicate myself to consciously rebirthing and bringing the Light of Christ into the earth plane by actively integrating this Light into my everyday thoughts and actions.
Although I light candles every night for dinner, I have been specifically lighting Advent candles to call forth the angelic bearers of the Light to come. I invite you to do the same and by doing so, we can together dispel darkness.
This year, besides my own personal grief, my heart is heavy for the immense suffering taking place as I write. May we all pray for the end of the war in Ukraine and the restoration of peace in Israel and Palestine.
It is this Light within that we will use as Saint Francis of Assisi called us to do in his prayer. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O come, O come Emmanuel!
P.S This is an updated and refreshed post, beloved readers. Hugs and Christmas blessings.
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Very beautiful and significant, Cherry–Wishing you much blessings and happiness for the New Year–2013–
Thank You Herbie! We are both blessed to live in beautiful places. May 2013 bring you continued health and joy!
Cherry, thanks for posting this .Lately my light has been glowing a little dim.
After reading this I realize it’s it’s time to shine again!
Wishing you and Aimée A very merry Christmas and a Happy new year !
Hugs to you
Isham, when we are suffering from illness, grief, depression or other afflictions, our light may seem dimmed to us, but in reality it isn’t. During those troubled times, our perception is off and we are unable to see the fullness of who we are. A generous spirit like you Isham will always have much light, kindness, knowledge and love to share with others my friend. Believe! Hugs and blessings to you this Christmas season.
Thank you for your beautiful words. This year my light is dim. Living in Puerto Rico, we were devastated by Hurricane Maria. I lost my home and my job, but my biggest loss was my brother, who died on October 17. My heart is filled with grief as his passing was sudden and unexpected. I’m thankful I came across your blog today. May God bless you.
Marilyn, very few of us has walked in as much suffering and loss as you have. My words can not convey fully the empathy and sorrow I feel for you and your family.
Perhaps you can find some comfort also in my post I had last year. http://www.cherrychapman.com/2016/12/20/christmas-message-to-those-in-pain/
This is the first Christmas since the loss of my son in February, so I am struggling in my own grief. When our life is smashed, we are pruned to the essentials of our beingness here. As I said to another, our lights may seem dim to us, but bright in our love and devotion to God. I focus on my blessings and have gratitude for my faith that sustains me. As a Catholic, I find special comfort knowing that Holy Mary Theotokos knows our pain as well. I pray that your home and job will be restored to you even greater than before. Solace, blessings and hugs to you
Thank you Cherry for your beautiful, comforting words. May our God Almighty and our loving Mother Virgin Mary fill your life and your holiday with many blessings. I subscribed to your blog. Merry Christmas and a very blessed 2018 to you and your loved ones.
Knowing just a portion of what you have endured in life makes what you are able to dispense as a cure (the Light of the world) ever so meaningful. During times of despair, the majority of us cannot hear anything but ourselves. Thanks for the reminder to look up for the right Light to lead us, not look down at the treacherous trails as we follow our own qualities and traits.
Thank you so much kind friend for your meaningful and encouraging comment. For me the right Light is the one that gives enlightenment and feelings of goodness to others and comforts them in their suffering. Striving to be a reflection and beacon of that light is what fulfills me and sustains me to continue. Hugs
This was a lovely and meaningful post. So appropriate for this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Amanda Lambert
Thank you Amanda for your kind comment! Christmas joy and blessings to you and your family! Hugs
Just a passer by… stumbled upon your post looking for some comfort and explanation of the special tender feeling i had tonight. I had similar thoughts as in your post, but you weaved it all together so beautifully and with so much love, light and wisdom. Thank you and God bless you ❤️
Welcome to my blog Ani! I am sorry I did not see your comment as it had unfortunately fallen into the spam bucket, which I do not check every day!
I am glad you were able to identify with my post. Blessings to you too.
Beautiful sharing of your Christian Perspective, Cherry. Feeling blessed to read your blog and spend some time with you this morning and grateful for having such a truly talented friend, a wise ole soul, that has always touched the hearts of all. My prayers that you are comforted by the same Light that you share with so many. Hugs and blessings to you for the Christmas season and the new year.
Thank you dear and beloved friend for all your loving words! Thank you too for your sweet prayers, always needed and appreciated during the holidays.
I too wish that I could have visited with you in person, maybe sipping some bubbly in your lovely garden!
Grateful likewise to have had your loving friendship all these years. Hugs and Christmas blessings to you and Cookie and all your family!
Hi Cherry,
Gosh I haven’t checked your blog in a couple of months . . . been busy with my social media posts . . . Ha!. I hope that you are recovering well from your hip replacement surgery and can get around for those jaunts around Paris that you fill your blogs with.
We are all reaching that stage in life when the physicality of our lives begins to take hits in all sorts of ways. I guess that is and inevitable part of aging. My back thing was just temporary (most likely due to being out of shape . . . I exercised then it went away) recently I started to get a back pain higher up . . . probably from poor posture . . . wore a back brace for a couple of weeks and watching my posture; and the pain went away. Then . . . LOL . . . I started experiencing some rather severe almost sciatic leg pains when I would lay on the couch watching TV . . . fortunately it only lasted an hour or so, nothing permanent; and ONLY OCCURS when I fall asleep on the couch (weird, huh? Moral of that is to not lay on that firm new couch that we bought recently (worst couch we have ever had and paid over $4K for the darn sectional . . . Ha!) Yeah, the beginnings of little aches and pains of aging; but fortunately nothing long lasting or permanent. I just try to be a little proactive about it all; but I tend to run hot and cold . . . do good for a while, then”fall off the wagon” with the exercise and stuff; hard to maintain the consistency that is required. I don’t believe in meds unless absolutely necessary; the side effects can be worse than what they are supposedly treating (mostly masking the feeling of symptoms). Same thing with trying to stay hydrated . . . hard to do it everyday, even with an app reminder. And after the experience in 1982 of being crushed between two cars, and the residual occasional severe erratic foot cramps that only lasted for short whiles, now I am feeling a tightness in the top of both feet. After several types of tests, they say that it isn’t nephropathy; but MIGHT be the early beginnings of that; but can’t tell. Ergo more proactive stuff. I really can’t complain of anything that is severe and permanent. I’ve never had any type of surgery and the thought of possible hip replacement SURGERY scares the heck out of me. How was that for you?
People in our peer group just need to eat healthy diets, exercise moderately, get 7 or 8 hours sleep, and HYDRATE every day. That is about the best that we can do; and the rest is sort of built into our DNA as programmed obsolescence. There is a lot of “chair” and yoga exercises that older people can do to maintain their muscle tone which is a key to a lot of the health issues.
Well, hope you are recovering well and that you can get back to going on those jaunts and writing more of your interesting blog articles with all of those nice pics. Best wishes.