Hope, acceptance and powerlessness can be miracles that can transform and regenerate your life.
Hope can be very difficult to hold onto, especially  when life throws you in a valley of deep depression, or any painful circumstance that living this life can entail.
Acceptance is likewise extremely difficult to come to terms with if you are amongst the unfortunate who must eventually accept a condition you are born with, Â an addiction, and or a debilitating chronic physical or emotional handicap that you have to learn to live with.
Powerlessness is the state of recognition that You Alone have no means or power to magically remove some afflictions, or change certain situations.
You Alone is a key phrase, because  it recognises your human limitations in being able to help yourself exclusively by your own will and efforts, especially in addictions.
Hope is definitely intertwined and gives loft to the power of acceptance and powerlessness.
Hope creates a space in the cosmos for changes needed or desired, even if you can not fathom how these changes can occur.
As a therapist I find myself offering up the hope that some of my patients are unable to have for themselves, especially when they are in the throes of clinical depression, or an impasse in their life that seems unresolvable.
I tell them that I will maintain my healing vision and hope for them until they can borrow it back  and claim it for themselves.
By the process of hoping, you are inviting the universe or God to work wonders that you can never imagine happening. Â Delivering yourself up to the universal healing spirit of God is an act of faith.
Acceptance is the process of “accepting”, which sounds easy, but can be very difficult to do. Â The majority of us can remain in denial about a situation, Â illness or affliction plaguing us until it throws off the rails in order to get our attention.
Acceptance of your own powerlessness means that you as a mere mortal can’t always fix things in your life, nor magically produce something to eliminate your affliction or situation, Â which may be totally out of your own control.
This is not defeatism, but only awareness of your human limits. Â Neither should acceptance be construed as throwing in the towel in utter despair.
Acceptance that help from a Divine source is never far away, and is there for the asking  requires that you let go of any arrogance  you have and your human nature to control. Denial that Divine intervention exists or can assist you, subjects you to maintaining a narcissistic inflation of your own powers.
Powerlessness does not negate or do away with individual responsibility to help yourself with an  addiction, situation or chronic illness.
A perfect example is that all who commit to any 12 step addiction program accept that they are powerlessness over drugs and or alcohol; Â but in recovery have to be responsible to get to meetings, working the steps, getting a sponsor, and asking a Higher Power each day or whenever needed for help in maintaining their sobriety.
In asking for God or a Higher Power to intervene in your life  for sobriety or help in an illness or situation means you are acknowledging that you can’t do it all by yourself.
Acceptance of this need is humbling, yet at the same time a tremendous comfort. You are actually being delivered from figuring it all out.
Whew, what a relief it is to finally turn it over to God! Deliverance and liberation at the same time!
This connotes a placement of hope, no longer relying only on your own efforts,  onto God.  Relinquishing control over your painful and  confusing circumstance is an act of faith.
Basically it makes a statement that you no longer have in totality the means, knowledge  nor the insight to make the needed changes in your own life.
The longer I live, the more I see the destructive arrogance humans have in believing that they can control not only their lives, but nature and their world.
Certainly, I can envision a sort of co-creativity based on Divine intervention and inspiration, but we are not the architects of natural law that holds the expanding cosmos together.
We do have a responsibility to use whatever knowledge, talents, and intellect we are gifted with to help humanity and protect our earthly home, animals and inhabitants from the ravages of human selfishness and cruelty.
On an individual and personal level, we have the responsibility to employ whatever means available to help yourself or change whatever situations that are changeable.
The Serenity prayer, written by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr that has been modified and adopted in all 12 step Recovery programs, reminds us to develop the wisdom to distinguish between what we can change and what we can’t.
That hard earned wisdom is worth its weight in gold!
To employ that wisdom in your life does require acceptance and recognising your own powerlessness in certain situations and is a lifelong journey.
You place your hope in the hands of the Divine, who makes miracles out of everyday situations. Â I have personally witnessed in my own life and those of others miracles that appeared out of nowhere.
I have marveled with awe the networking that these miracles seemingly required. Â When you step back and let God do what you deem impossible, be prepared to be completely astounded!
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Cherry, HOPE is a word with a big meaning to me .
A feeling of expectations and desire for a certain thing to happen, and when it doesn’t happen that leaves the door open to depression. so as to avoid THAT ,instead of hopeing or wishing, I simply PRAY for something to happen and if it doesn’t I figure it wasn’t meant to be. After all GOD doesn’t wont us to worry about anything instead PRAY about everything.
I translate that into “DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY “.
Isham, Your analogy is wonderful! Thank you! There can be several ways to discern God’s will in our lives, and I like your’s for the simplicity of the message! Hugs
Wonderful article Cherry. Reinforces my feeling that you saved my life! I will never thank you enough.
What a wonderful surprise to find your beautiful comment Parvine! I am humbled by your very kind words. I feel blessed to have had the chance to help, but especially to get to know such a multi talented woman! Love and hugs to you!